Sitemap - 2024 - Customer Obsessed Engineering

When should you think about security?

I can predict the success or failure of any project (and so can you)

2.7 Architecture foundation

Paying down tech debt

Operational observability rocks, and so does

Looking for inspiration? Do this.

With the right strategy you can be the next Google — but only if you measure the right things

Solving customer priority conflict with the Kano model

You should write. It's good for your career.

The 30-minute guide to Domain Driven Design: A secret weapon to solve tough problems (Part 2)

2.6 Target state architecture

The 30-minute guide to Domain Driven Design: A secret weapon to solve tough problems

How to get hired: 10 lessons for doing great in your interview, from a CTO’s perspective

Never get into a bad situation with your customer

2.5 Context mapping

Unlearning silence: How speaking up makes all the difference in your career

2.4 Domain modeling

Getting settled is exhausting!

How I became 3-4 times more efficient than my coworkers

2.3 Strategic event storming

Developer credibility: Building an environment of trust

Do you understand your customer? Subtle word choices lead us into a lot of trouble

"AI" is just a fancy filter

Ten commandments for faster cloud modernization

2.2 Roadmaps and OKRs

The quest for the perfect desk (because sitting on the floor is not good)

My top 15 project discovery questions

2.0 Blueprinting (phase 2)

2.1 Product strategy

You're going to keep struggling until you have a great onboarding program

1.4 Business capabilities & functions

Staying productive by taking time to recuperate

How to connect with people better

Be the solution, not the problem: The 3 problem solving traits I'm vigilant for

Names, places and sources

1.3 Product vision

Building a product oriented team

The only way to deliver a zero-defect product

1.2 Current state analysis

Everyone does Test Driven Development wrong

How to create impact with your customer (and why so many projects miss the mark)

How adopting a security first mindset improves everything

1.1 Team mobilization

1.0 Mobilization (phase 1)

Plagued with problems getting to delivery? Solve them with a “steel thread."


Getting started: Using the Delivery Playbook

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How a scientific mindset engages your customer (and makes you a better engineer)